About this blog

We write about perspectives gained at Shovel while building technology infrastructure for the future.

Shovel Company is on a mission to build tools to improve internet infrastructure. We are building social graph infrastructure for multiplayer applications to accelerate this change towards decentralised identity.

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Shovel Company is on a mission to build tools to improve internet infrastructure. We are building social graph infrastructure for multiplayer applications to accelerate this change towards decentralised identity.


Wallflower. Swiss Knife. Cofounder https://shovel.company. ex- SVP Engineering at Gojek - Transport. Cofounded & sold CodeIgnition. Organises DevopsDaysIN.
Co-founder Shovel.Company Previously was Head of Observability at Gojek
Co-founder of Shovel Company Previous EM at McKinsey & Co. Interested in culture, history and communities.
Building internet infrastructure